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Vaccinations: Questions, Concerns & Resources [E037]

injection on shoulderThis is a round table discussion on vaccination question, thoughts, and concerns. At the end of the day, it is ultimately up to you whether you decide to vaccinate or not. Becoming informed about all aspects of vaccinations is the only way you can truly determine what is the best route for you and your family. In this episode, you will be introduced to ideas and research you can use to help make an informed decision.

Table Of Contents

An Introduction To Vaccinations

Dr. Bryan J.: So over the years, each of our families have four kids and it’s amazing how frequently just by being a parent you get asked by other parents questions and concerns around the topic that we’re going to have today. We don’t have every aspect of this figured out, but we wanted to really share some of the things that we knew, some of the things that we studied, some of the things that we actually looked into when we were debating on whether to move forward with vaccinating our children or not vaccinating our children.

Dr. Bryan J.: And for many of you parents and listeners, you might have one, one thought or philosophy on one side of the fence versus the other side of the fence. I think it’s important to just come at this as an open-minded discussion. We’re not trying to sway you on one decision or the other. You do what’s right for you, but we just want to share some of things that we witnessed, experienced, and become exposed to that might open your eyes and ears to the subject matter.

Dr. Bryan J.: So here we go. Let’s have it. This is going to be a round table discussion on vaccinations, questions, conversations, and concerns.

Common Concerns on Vaccinations

Dr. Whitney H.: All right, let’s do this. So I think this is a great conversation to be had because it can be a fearful one. And we were talking about this earlier that you either feel bad, or you feel good, or you feel scared about either talking about it, going through with it, not going through with it. There’s all of these concerns and it’s hitting social media right now and hitting media at a rapid pace right now with the measles outbreak. So I think this is a a great and fun discussion to have.

Dr. Whitney H.: And again, what we’d like to say is let this be a discussion and let’s not put it in the camp of are you an anti-vaxxer or are you a vaxxer? But let’s just talk about what some of the concerns are. And I can start the conversation by just saying for me, the day I got pregnant, I started researching.

Dr. Whitney H.: And I think that’s the biggest thing that I could give you as far as advocacy is start researching. You know, what does vaccines, what do they do? How do they shift the immune system? What do they have in them? I think just exploring the ingredients alone is something you could research for the nine months that you’re expecting to learn, you know, what do they have in them? Are they safe? What research has been done? So that is where I started on my journey, is just understanding what vaccinations are, what it does, and what ingredients or combined viruses do they have.

Doing the research on vaccines

Dr. Jason Hamed: And as the person who helped co-create that child, I too started to do some research. And I love research. I know a lot of my certainty in my life comes from and with respect to health because of that research and studying those things. And so I too went on a huge quest. And I started to actually look at outbreaks of what we were getting vaccinated for. And I actually started to look at really the true numbers behind, not the ones that we were seeing on television or getting in the news per se, but actually go into the data, going to sources where I could find true data of what the outbreaks were.

Dr. Jason Hamed: Then I was actually finding out what’s the nastiest thing could happen if we did have an outbreak. I had to play that best worst case scenario. And then I started to do some work on what’s being put into the child, at what rate, what rate is it now? What rate was it when I was a kid? And some of these numbers, they did, they astonished me. Like I couldn’t believe that we were okay with putting this much of these substances in. And I say that with that tone because I also realized that this didn’t align with my philosophy.

Dr. Jason Hamed: The philosophy that I had that this little baby had all it needed. It didn’t need any help. Was I scared our first kid of maybe not vaccinating against polio? Yeah, I was, but I had to trust the real numbers, the hardcore numbers that I was looking at, and that gave me the certainty once I put it in perspective. So yeah, it was scary. It was fearful.

Reading The Work Of Dr. Bob Sears

Dr. Bryan J.: So when you guys were going through in having your first child, clearly we went through something similar, you’re trying to discover what’s out there. You’re asking questions to people, you’re trying to read books, you’re looking up things online, you’re maybe watching documentaries, and you’re asking questions. What were some of the things that you came across when you were doing a little bit of research on the subject that actually started to open your eyes up a little bit to say, “Man, hold on. Before we start choosing this as an option for our family, I need to learn more”?

Dr. Whitney H.: Yeah. I think Dr. Sears, that was the place was I started reaching out to my own friends, not only who were chiropractors, but just had the mindset of what is best for our child as far as naturally raising our child. How do we minimize toxins, exposure to things, not only just vaccinations, but medications, maybe the skincare we’re putting on our child? And Dr. Sears will come up over and over.

Dr. Whitney H.: And that’s still a book to this day that I even have a lot of patients talk about that they use. Because what Dr. Sears talks about is some of those ingredients that can be toxic or harmful, but he also gives what’s called a spaced out vaccinations program or recommendation. So even if you’re choosing to … He gives you an idea or gives you a schedule, an alternate schedule on maybe how you might choose to do vaccinations. But-

Is it harmful to delay vaccination

Dr. Bryan J.: Let me interrupt you. I know the answer because obviously we’ve done some homework on this, but why would anybody recommend a delayed schedule?

Dr. Whitney H.: So it all comes back to how many toxins or how many viruses and what’s called adjuvants, and we can get into that later, is your child receiving all at once. And there are some studies being done. We’ve pulled the data from the vaccine injury reports to see if a child is getting two doses, three doses, five doses, and what kind of adverse events are happening when doses are increased.

Dr. Bryan J.: So again, I’m going to jump back in because what most people may not be aware of is that a child’s immune system really is not fully developed yet when it’s born. I mean it’s still in the works. It’s still trying to figure out how it can fend for itself. And that’s why you see situations why they’re saying around a newborn baby, wash your hands and protect things, and be careful with the exposure that you’re putting your baby in front of because they really haven’t had the capability of fighting anything off yet.

Dr. Bryan J.: So because of that, when we’re considering the idea of injecting something, and we’re going to talk about what’s in that something here in just a little bit, is when you’re injecting something that’s potentially a foreign substance into a newborn that doesn’t have an immune system to fight off. That’s where some of these people that have done extensive amount of homework and research are suggesting to delay the process. If you’re going to do it, delay it or space it out.

U.S. Gives More Vaccine Than Any Other Country

Dr. Jason Hamed: Well, actually I have a research article in front of me right now and I was just looking at it before the show. It states the US gives more vaccines than any other country in the world. Our childhood schedule for the age of one has twice as many vaccinations as other developed countries.

Dr. Jason Hamed: The highest infant mortality rate of any developed nation is United States. Finland has the lowest. They only give 11 by the age of six. So again, this is back in 2016 when this article was written as well. So then we’re talking about 2019 at the time of this recording, which we know every year we’re getting more data, more information that they’re now putting out another round of vaccine or sneaking one more in.

Dr. Jason Hamed: All right. So we had chicken pox as a kid. Right? And I’m looking at it from a stand point, you ask the question of, “Hey, what was the thing that made you kind of shift?” I’m like, okay, when you actually did the research on … And I’m very sensitive to any parent out there that’s had adverse reaction with their kids to measles or rubella or nasty chickenpox. I’m being very sensitive to that.

Dr. Jason Hamed: So please take this with a grain of salt. But when I did the research on what would the nastiest outbreak be for measles, and or a chicken pox. Like I’m not going to give my kid a chickenpox vaccine so he can get one more thing before when he’s a little kid, his nervous system and his immune system is developing.

Mercury, Aluminum, and Other Heavy Metals In Vaccines

Dr. Whitney H.: By the way, I got to go back two steps, what Dr. Jay just said, there’s a great book, it’s called How to Raise Your Child in Spite of Your Doctor. And you know who wrote it? A pediatrician, Dr. Mendelsohn. He’s long since gone, but he actually breaks down every childhood disease and what the worst outcome is. And most of them are managed from home with rest, and sleep, and good nutrition, and hydration. So it’s amazing. That’s a great resource. And that calmed my fears to go, “Okay, here’s what measles looks like. Here’s what mumps and rubella look like. Here is how in 90% of the cases they pan out.” I just love that book and that resource.

Dr. Whitney H.: But then the second place I looked is right on the CDC website. And when you go to the CDC website, you can get literally every vaccine and every ingredient in the vaccine. And that’s where you can start to do your homework because maybe a lot of you out there are thinking, “Okay, yes, this is going to protect my child against measles, mumps, and rubella because it has maybe an attenuated or a virus in there that’s going to stimulate that antibody response and then protect my child forever from that disease.”

Dr. Whitney H.: But what you’ve got to realize is how do those three viruses survive together in one vial, in one shot that’s sitting on the shelves for an extended amount of time. So what’s in it? And that’s where you get to the adjuvants. That’s the big stink about, mercury and aluminum, and all the other things that are coming out now.

Neurological effects of injecting vaccines

Dr. Bryan J.: It’s crazy. So some of those things you just mentioned are basically neurotoxins or heavy metals that are being injected into a small baby.

Dr. Whitney H.: Right. Right.

Dr. Bryan J.: And I know that maybe we can’t pinpoint this, but then now we see, especially you, Dr. Whitney actually who works with a lot of pediatric cases. You unfortunately see a lot of children that come in with autistic challenges. And unfortunately a lot of times what we hear and the general public may not get exposure to it the same way we do, but we hear that the parent says, “I knew my child before the vaccination and then I knew what happened after.” And they are determined to admit to us that now they have a child that’s struggling with their neurologic development. And so they were probably relatively unaware of what the consequences would be of injecting some of those heavy metals into a small little infant.

Dr. Whitney H.: Right. And that’s where some of the … Well, and there has been research done in that area. What I call it, honestly, is I call it Russian roulette. How do you know as a parent? And that’s what I wasn’t willing to play, is how do you know whether it be genetically, neurologically, the immune system, the gut? How do you know in that child if they have any susceptibility or any problems or any immaturity in those areas or any genetic issues, any inflammatory responses that could be turned on? How do you know?

The science is out there against vaccinations

Dr. Whitney H.: And Dr. Jay can share a great story about his brother and his mother tells me to this day what she saw turned on with his juvenile arthritis after vaccinations and a series of those at a certain age. Studies have been done to follow up. Yes, this whole gut brain connection, toxicity, and what can be turned on because of vaccinations. It’s out there.

Dr. Jason Hamed: It is out there. And the science is out there. What we have to embrace regardless of if you’re steadfast and you think vaccinations are the way, the truth, and the light or you’re the exact opposite. You have to recognize that there is science that demonstrates some of the mechanisms of which this delivery model is not working. I’m not actually here to say because technically it can prove that vaccinations do work in eradicating certain diseases. I’m not arguing that, but I’m arguing with the delivery method is one that the human body cannot tolerate and especially at the rate that we’re presently doing. Dr. Whitney alluded to, just a moment ago, basically the preservatives that this vaccine sits in. I believe egg protein has also been found in those, right?

Dr. Whitney H.: Yes.

Dr. Jason Hamed: What if you have … Gosh, we’d go to Chipotle and they make the guy change gloves if he touches gluten.

Dr. Bryan J.: Right.

Dr. Jason Hamed: Right? Think about that folks.

Dr. Whitney H.: Right.

Dr. Jason Hamed: The guy just touched a flour tortilla, you make him change because you’ve got a gluten sensitivity. You’re two weeks old, nobody knows you have an egg sensitivity yet. And then this compound that is filled with multiples more than .

It could trigger “something”

Dr. Jason Hamed: So just take that second, take that back. So now your kid is getting all this stuff, all these preservatives, and the stuff being the attenuated viruses that they’re trying to prevent a spread of. And it’s encultured in egg protein. And you wonder why there may be a sequelae or downstream effect that may trigger something gnarly in this kid’s immune system.

Dr. Jason Hamed: I’m not gonna sit here and say it’s autism, but I’m going to say it could trigger something. And my mom will say to this day that she saw that my brother’s health totally change after … And again, he is three years younger than me. So the vaccine dosages that he got were different than the ones I got. And she swears, she just came up in a conversation over the weekend actually again, that his body changed and the RA that he had was discovered shortly after that event. And she swears by it as a mother.

Dr. Jason Hamed: And here’s the deal, as a scientist, as a healthcare provider, as somebody on the sidelines, the politician, as someone who’s getting their pockets lined with the pharmaceutical companies, you can say whatever the hell you want. But at the end of the day, as a mom or as dad and you say, “Hey, something changed in my kid.” That’s something. I mean that’s something and you’ve got to like recognize that in our culture. Just stop, slow down, put the flag down and say, “Hmm, maybe we’re doing, maybe, I don’t know, just might not be working.”

Support For National Vaccine Information Center

Dr. Whitney H.: And so for all of you parents out there, if you’ve had that happen … I recently had a patient last week that was what was on her chief complaint for her child was vaccine injury, but for all of you out there that’s … Barbara Loe Fisher is that story, Dr. Jay just told. And that is in And I love her platform because her platform is pro education.

Dr. Whitney H.: It’s pro choice. And that’s really the choice we’re left with as far as whatever schedule you choose or you choose to or not to is really our state laws. And unfortunately, that’s what’s just changed in New York as of June is any of those exemptions or rights have been taken away. So that’s what we’ve got to stay abreast on and that’s why I support the NVIC is because it is really all about getting the choice and the freedom of choice out there.

Dr. Jason Hamed: This is documented, so this isn’t my opinion right now. There is absolutely a lack of safety studies with respect to vaccines. And in fact, vaccines are the only products in the United States that did not have a liability. Meaning if … Which is I think is so ironic. Again folks, just follow me, whoever side of the camp you’re on, that’s cool, do your thing, but listen to this. You are now mandating, making it a law for someone to put something into your child, of which there is no recourse of action that you can have if your child has a reaction.

Big pharmas are immune to legal action

Dr. Jason Hamed: I mean the vaccine companies are totally immune to any type of legal recourse. We’re now having States that are forcing us. Again, I’m okay with it, what everyone wants to do, but I can’t understand the mandation, the mandating of putting a vaccine to a kid and yet at the same token saying, “Oh, and if it screws him up, we’re not responsible.”

Dr. Whitney H.: Right.

Dr. Jason Hamed: Like I don’t understand that as a culture. What’s next? This is slippery slope.

Dr. Bryan J.: No, I think-

Dr. Jason Hamed: What? Are you going to force me to take a medication now? Because then we go … I mean you’ve got to look up, we have to open up our eyes a little bit and see there is absolutely a financial incentive for this to occur. Has to be.

Dr. Bryan J.: Well, I think it’s safe to say and most people are aware that the big pharma or the financial backing behind this discussion is quite significant. This is like a multi-

Dr. Jason Hamed: 60 billion dollar as far as coming up right now. 60 billion worldwide.

Dr. Bryan J.: Yeah. It’s massive. So inevitably, if there’s an opportunity to inject something into every person and have that be a unique item that’s basically got a specific trademark that only they can call it a certain name and charge accordingly for that fee that goes to that trademark name, then that’s a lot of money that’s going through basically that syringe, right?

Dr. Whitney H.: Right. And this is why the only-

Dr. Jason Hamed: With no liability.

Robert Kennedy’s Exposé

Dr. Whitney H.: The only thing that is going to combat this is having these conversations, is exposing it. I mean, JFK Jr., go back and read his article in Rolling Stones Magazine.

Dr. Jason Hamed: No, not JFK, it was Robert Jr.

Dr. Whitney H.: Robert Jr. Excuse me, sorry.

Dr. Jason Hamed: Robert Kennedy.

RDr. Whitney H.: Go back and read his article in Rolling Stones Magazine. I mean, he was the first over a decade ago to start exposing this. And so yeah, it’s out there.

Dr. Jason Hamed: Yeah, I definitely, I get passionate about it. I get passionate, not from a standpoint of I’m right, you’re wrong. I get passionate about the concept of this is like an inalienable right that you’re trying to take away from a human being. A right of choice, and that’s the thing that I get upset about.

Dr. Bryan J.: I think that’s happening with a lot of things, as you just mentioned before. And I think that, like what you said, we’re not concerned what side of the camp you’re on. We really aren’t. That’s your choice. All of us have the same singular goal in this discussion. It’s just to protect our children period. Right?

Dr. Jason Hamed: Right.

Dr. Whitney H.: Right.

Dr. Bryan J.: But we, just like you’ve heard in all the other episodes, wholeheartedly advocate that the only time that the body actually makes mistakes is when there’s too much or too little of something in it. Right? And sometimes when a baby’s not prepared for it or any human body and you inject too much of something, whether it be the preservatives or the heavy metals, then there’s a reaction that you’re not necessarily happy with the outcome of.

Closing Thoughts: Do Your Own Research

Dr. Bryan J.: And that’s all we’re saying is, make sure that you do a little bit of homework, ask the people that you can, look up on certain websites, read the books that Dr. Whitney mentioned, but don’t go into it just with a ton of fear and ignorance and just say, “Just because everybody else around me is doing it or I’m told I have to do it, this is what I have to do.”

Dr. Jason Hamed: Honestly, that would be the way that, if push came to shove, that would be how I would do it in regards to … I would have cherry pick the ones that I felt really were like the … There’s zero chance I’d be doing, what’s that one? The chickenpox. And also you got to make sure we get the tighter, you got to get the batch labeled, the batch number, so if there is any recourse that you at least can trace it back to the batch that you had done. So I’d delay as much as I could. I would not do multiple all at once. I would do single dosages and I would have the batch number of everyone that I did. I’d find a doctor that would do that.

Dr. Bryan J.: The topic today was supposed to be relatively neutral, give you our opinion, our thoughts about some of our concerns that we have and actually just have a conversation around it. Dr. Whitney mentioned several great resources

Resources Mentioned:

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